Want to learn more about the "Sporfie Camera"?
Look no further–you're holding one at this very moment (assuming you're reading this on mobile)!
Yes, all of the footage recorded with Sporfie is filmed entirely by smartphones!
Now, anyone at a game can easily create their own event and set up a smartphone camera that films for everyone nearby.
Flexible & Universal Filming with your Smartphone
Using the technology you already carry with you daily, Sporfie’s services are able to be easily implemented from anywhere with very minimal setup. Plus, if surprises arise that require a change of venue or angle adjustments, there is no other camera more mobile than your actual mobile device.
There is no limit to the number of additional cameras that can be added once an event is created, so, with very little effort, anyone at an event is able to add additional angles and experiment with multiple perspectives.
Creating an Event with Sporfie
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