If you're filming in Highlights-Only mode:
Sporfie does not stream continuously. The service only uploads 15 seconds of video when you save a moment to keep. Therefore, data usage is minimal. It takes roughly 7MB per video file, which is equivalent to a Snap you would make.
Streaming over a wireless (Wi-Fi) network should be the preferred method, as it does not use any cellular data. However, if this isn't possible, streaming via your cellular connection will also work perfectly.
If you're live streaming a game:
Because public WiFi is often constrained and shared among many users, if you have an unlimited data plan and a good LTE signal at your location, we would recommend using your cellular connection.
WiFi is a good option whenever you have access to a reliable WiFi you have previously tested. We would recommend using the "
SpeedTest App" to test the quality of your network. You should be looking for a 5+ Mbps on the upload side.
If you're unsure about the connection at your location:
We have two options that will help ensure your content is saved when you have poor connection or are unsure of the connection at the location of your event.
Upload Later: Choose this option when you are in a location where you have poor network conditions. Your device will film and save highlights as normal. When you are back in an area with better service, your footage will be uploaded to your event for replay and clipping.
Keep Backup Copy: Enabling this saves the full footage in the app so you can upload a replacement copy or download it later. It can be used in Streaming mode and Upload Later mode to ensure you never lose any of your footage.
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